Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Check up, check out

Max and I had our 6 week check-up today. it was sad, because it was our last official visit to the midwives at the Miami Maternity Center. I already miss them. They were my only support during the difficult pregnancy. They opened my eyes to women's health, the politics of birth and the joy of motherhood. I feel like getting pregnant right away,so I can keep going there. of course, they told me we could visit, but it won't be the same. It feels like Max's birth is finally over. I guess that would be right considering all the books say the last stage of labor ends 6 weeks postpartum.

We're both fine. I have lost 25 pounds, but I'll never confess how many more I have to go. Max has gained 3. I think this would be more dramatic news if we hadn't had weekly pediatrician appointments. He weight 9 pounds, 5 ounces. He's alert and smart. he's my boy. They gave me a copy of his medical file. His blood type is the same as mine: A*. I guess he'll be acing his report cards too. It's in his blood.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Play Time!

22 June 2008

Thank you Lord! Not only did Max get a clean bill of health from the neurosurgeon on Friday, but he also slept through the night. He didn't wake until 6:30am, and then went back until 8:30. This is why I'm not only relaxed, but coherent. A true first for 2008.

After my breakfast, during which Max happily bopped in bouncy seat, we had our first real play time together. While he laid on his back, I moved his feet in the bicycle motion and called out, "Maximilian, Tour de France, Tour de France!" Then he would swim the Iron Man, no the Iron Baby. We sang Patty-Cake and the Wheels on the Bus. Every so often, I would role him over, so he could do a push up in Tummy Time. What made this play time was his face. He really connected with me and was smiling the whole time. He thought Mommy was silly when she blew raspberries on his belly.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Max: minute by minute

18 June 2008

We've been using our fuzzi bunz cloth diapers for almost a week now. I'm so happy we have them. The first month we used disposables because it wasn't cost-effective to buy cloth for the extra small size. I have to admit I was apprehensive when we made the switch. Already overwhelmed by the responsibilities of motherhood, I wasn't sure I could handle the extra laundry. I also was nervous about leaks.

I'm happy to report both concerns were completely unfounded. The diapers fit well and laundering them has been very easy. I feel so much better putting the soft fleece next to his skin. Now, Max has an excellent metabolism since birth. On his first day of life he pooped six times! Sometimes he soils his diaper at 15 minute intervals. Having the cloth diapers certainly takes the sting out of my wallet when I have to change him so frequently. Also, even though it's gross, I feel like I know what's coming out of him a little more which will help me identify problems. The disposable have so much moisture wicking that sometimes it was hard to even detect when he was wet. It's so nice to know that they worked out, and if we have another child, we won't have to buy any diapers. Go earth!

Max's change in diapers has also created a change in his clothing size. The cloth are a bit bulkier than the disposables, so he can finally wear some outfits that I have been just dying to put on him. Today he sports his first "surfer boy" look: an aqua onsie with orange stripes and a shark logo. Too cute! Of course we also had to say good-bye to his first few outfits. He's outgrown his Dad's Team and his Disney onsies. So big, so fast. He's 8 1/2 pounds. I can't believe some babies are born this big. I asked Dr. O (his pediatrician) if there was anyway I could feed him so that he'd grow healthy, but not so fast.

Sadly, she said no. So, go Max: Grow!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Hello Miracle!

On May 13, 2008 at 11:11am, I gave birth.

My husband, Andres, and I welcomed our son, Maximilian, to the world, but that wasn't the only birth that day. I also gave birth to a family and a set of new identities, mommy and daddy. I created aunts, uncles, cousins, godparents, and grandparents. This blog celebrates and explores those creations.

The title of this blog comes from a nickname my husband gave me while we were walking our dog one night. I was in the middle of my pregnancy at the time. Andres was telling me about his massage class where they were studying Eastern philosophy. His teacher defined a guru as "someone who opens your eyes and shows you the world in a new way." Andres told me that's what I've done for him. He patted my belly and called me "mama guru." I melted and the name was born.

Tomorrow I will have been a mother for a month. The cliche is true; time goes by so quickly with a child. I am a new mom, still learning minute by minute. And yet, my identity as a mother is already profoundly entrenched in my core.

I am mama guru, and this is the beginning.